Venture South International (VSI) is a lending company, which develops specialized loan products. Founded in 2008 by microfinance experts, VS focused on the niche above microfinance and below bank loan sizes (USD 2,000 – 50,000 range). The principals have invested their own resources and are deeply committed to the success of the business. They have leveraged their experience to design loan products specifically for Small and Growing Businesses and have proven the niche and their model. This niche is under served, yet is very large and has tremendous potential to expand the economy and increase jobs. It is precisely businesses in the VS niche that create the most jobs. These jobs are the gateway out of poverty and towards the expansion of the middle class. VSI lends today is focusing on East Africa and works with partners in the off grid energy space. Over the past several years VS has created an enviable track record and now stands as a leader in this niche. It has established proof of concept, learned what does not work, perfected what does work and now focuses on scaling up the operations.
VSI is committed to the wellbeing of mankind and the environment, and we contribute to supporting climate stewardship and engagement in the global goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
The transition to a circular and clean economic model demands novel, sustainable solutions for our energy needs. With demand forecast to rise eight-fold by 2050, clean power and renewable oil look set to be crucial pieces of the puzzle. Utilizing innovative technology, we can assist you develop processing plants to address these issues